Tuesday, November 29, 2005

home sweet home???

We are in. Not anywhere near done - hell - we cant even find the TV trays right now = you would think they would have shown up but no.

Pictures of the kitchen were taken and when I know where they are I promise to post them so you can ehew and awww - that's right - ehew. We had a surprise visitor (Mo - wen's sister-in-law) and she immediately tore the wallpaper down in the kitchen - god love her. My mom will be here this Thursday and Im sure she will kick ass and make us get all kinds of stuff done.

All and all - its great - really - ugly wallpaper and all. Its a real home - its where you want to hurry home to and we are the luckiest ever.

Pics to come - promise!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Is it that obvious?

So, when I work the "day" job Im considered a contractor or "temp" - I come and go as I please and that's really the way I like it. It has come up many times recently about making me a full time employee - as we had talked about originally when I was brought in... but let's be honest... much like many of the relationships I have been in "I've seen what you've got to offer and the truth is that package your offering aint all that". Why dont they just make the move and fool you before they show you their cards??? When your still hoping you they have got to be great - after all look at the size of those shoes...

So I found this on my desk today and couldnt help but wonder...

How well do these people know me??? And do they know more about me then I thought they were smart enough to catch on to... hummmm...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Nothing new

So I've decided to try and at least ATTEMPT to get to my blog more than once a month... its a reasonable idea = we will see how it goes.

We move in 11 days and I havent packed a damn thing. I believe in packing fairies. I believe in packing fairies. I believe in packing fairies. I believe in packing fairies. (why dont I own any sparkly red shoes).

Other than that - not much new - I'd share the latest boy story but it even bores me so Im not going to. The *$ place is going pretty good - did the holiday set up until 4 am this morning - I now hate red ( but you should totally drop by your local shop and check it out)... as for Becca - Im stocking up for you anyway... you need to come visit. (Have you seen her HNT??? - shes now a freakin internet celeb! ... or at least parts of her are - either way - power on rock star)