Sunday, August 12, 2007

I love you and your shiny pants

We saw Chris Issac in concert last night - OMG - seriously. He is just a hot hot man, no matter how wacky he was on that damn show that ran awhile back. He is so talented I barely noticed his weird blue pant suit he had on. The man has a wicked sense of humor and a talent that never ends. It really is not all that often anymore you see a band that sounds as good live as they do on disk.

Have I mentioned that we saw Al Green earlier this month and he didn't even bother trying to sing "Aint no sunshine"? Loser. Bill Withers totally owns that song anyway.

Bitter - party of one?!?

Anywho - if you need to know why Chris is such a genius you just much watch his commentary for the Wicked Game video. The man is a god, and I love him and his shiny pants.
(Yes Bethma he wore the mirrored suit for the last couple songs even though it was like 95 degrees at 10pm)


Blogger VenturaMom from said...

OMG he is sooooo hawt. Did you know he turned 51 in June? I would tap that cougar any day. Rawr.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Monkey loves Kitten said...

First I thought he was super foxy. Then I saw him in concert and found out he was zanily hilarious. Then I found out he had his nose bobbed and I started to wonder. Then I saw his show and realized that I would love him no matter what he looked like. Jealous that you saw him!

5:58 PM  
Blogger Layers of Everything said...

I remember those shiny pants well. They threw off sparkles everywhere, while I was making out in the balcony of The Majestic Ventura Theater. Wow, what a great concert that was, all the way around.....You are very lucky!

9:34 AM  

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