Sunday, November 19, 2006

Stranger than Fiction

Just got back from watching Stranger than Fiction - it was interesting. Not interesting in the "she is nice" sort of way, more in the "my head is still swirling from strange thought" sort of way. Im a huge Will Ferrell fan so I would have probably gone to see it even if it were a dumb looking movie - I did go watch Elf after all and am not too proud to admit it, but this time he played a completely different role than anything I had ever seen him in and for the first time I felt like I could completely relate to his character. I think that's what baffled me. I personally have nothing in common with his character yet I knew exactly where he was coming from. Weird - just weird. Maybe tomorrow I will be more clear about what Im thinking. If you have a chance to see it = you should. Its not his usual comedy but its Will Ferrell and I would totally fight you if you say he doesn't rule. And, if that were not enough the music in it didn't suck either.

Speaking of stranger than fiction - I have to get my reading - for I start my first day of school tomorrow. Freak Out. Seriously. Freak Out. Who would have thunk it, I've only been talking about it forever, and now its finally going to happen, tomorrow. And for those of you that love my awful grammar - run on sentences - and completely made up use of punctuation, you will be happy to know that my first 2 classes are Effective Persuasive Writing and Skills for Learning in an Information Age. The classes following that will continue to try and sneak in ways to make me write more correctly - but screw that - they are not grading my blog and you all know how I love the dot dot dots...


Blogger VenturaMom from said...

WOO-HOO! I am so proud of you and your dot dot dots.

7:12 AM  
Blogger Rose-Colored Beer Goggles said...

Oooh! School boys!

8:33 PM  

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