Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Ok - its been 2 days and Im still reeling about that damn Grey's McJerky story. It was torturus (and not in the good way). It left me with an awful feeling - Im not even looking forward to the next episode. Everyone is mad at Meredith - fine - she was being stupid - - BUT what about George? How stupid was that? EHEW. EHEW. EHEW. I now how no respect for any of them.

PS - still loving the TV Squad .com

I think Im gonna just focus on my crime shows, they may be focused on the real sick and twisted but for some reason seem to not hit as close to home.

Friday, February 10, 2006

I aint afraid of no snow

Snowed Under

Keane - Somewhere Only We Know

Ok - so I've been mocking the weather channel and everyone in this town all day about "Snow Warnings". People are everywhere stocking up on bread and milk as if we are all gonna be stuck in our homes for the next couple weeks with no chance of digging ourselves out. COME ON. Ive heard this story before and I have come to the conclusion that if they say it on the news - its not gonna happen. I went to get gas and people were coming out of the gas station with cartons of cigs and diet cokes - heaven forbid they run out! Big freakin babies. The TV is sending out warnings that schools are closing early and all activities will be canceled until Sunday. They are even sending people home from work for fear of the traffic.

Did I bother to mention that they are predicting maybe an INCH to accumulate and that the temp is 33 degrees... thats too warm to even let it stick you wusses!

Anyhow - thought I'd share a couple pics of the house since it does make quite a pretty picture with the white stuff.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

We Used to be Friends

- The Dandy Warhols ... Welcome to the Monkey House

Im not sure who Im more mad at right now - The Stupid Bowl or TiVo. How could they mess up my once a week obession with Grey's Anatomy! Its become a sickness - I HEART Scared Heart and everyone that works there. Ive started talking about them by first names as if we were all friends. Im constantly on edge trying to figure out whats going to happen and I definetly saying "SERIOUSLY" way too often.

This week I only got about 25 minutes of the episode before it stopped recording = I couldnt believe the anger that overwhelmed me as the delete screen popped up. WTF!!!! You can take my booze and french fries from me - but not my Mc Dreamy!

Angry Fist to the Heavens!

Anyone see the whole thing? Help me - send me a fix = if your my friends you will... its what good friends do. Seriously.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The love the rain the most

The song actually goes "I love the rain, the most - when it stops", which is what Im feeling like today. Joe Purdy (musical genius)

I woke up this morning to the rain - thinking it wasnt such a bad thing since I had the day off and nothing better to do than read the paper and drink my coffee. Afterwards I caught up on emails which is when I got the news. My Uncle in Oregan tracted me down to let me know my Yaya had passed away yesterday morning.

Growing up I had spent most my summers with her and she has been a huge influence on who I am today. A strong and amazing woman who through it all came across with grace and just a wee bit of spitfire. She said what was on her mind and didnt let the things she had no control of control her. She intruduced me to make-up and the fun of being a girl - she taught me about shoes and thread count, and at a fairly young age brought me to the world of Nordstom's as apposed to that "no-good Penny's" (my mom could have killed her for that one). I remember so many times laughing until we were crying and then starting all over again. She called me her baby but never treating me like one, every year it was like a slumber party with my best friend - who happened to be my grandmother - my yaya.

This is the last photo I have of us, I havent seen her in many years and will always regret that. She hated her photo taken (as you can see from the pinching she was giving me because of it).

I will always miss and love you Yaya.