Friday, May 26, 2006

Steady, As She Goes

Great song - if you haven't heard it - you should.

Well as much as I'd like to say that I haven't updated this damn thing for sake of how freakin busy I've been = well - that would just be a lie. There is absolutely nothing fun or thrilling happening and its making me think about taking some serious leaps and bounds to make something happen. Last month I had convinced myself that I needed a motorcycle - lets be honest - NO ONE needs a motorcycle. I've thought about all the norm - cut my hair - dye it some crazy color - new tattoos - gold fronts - going to the gym - join a cult... but nothing seems to be just what I need for a kick in the butt.

Im open for suggestions - send em on people!

PS - is anyone else freakin out with the knowledge that Grey's Anatomy wont have a new episode for months??? I miss Denny.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

A list because Beth tagged me into it

I AM: a skinny girl trapped in a fat girl’s body, which is odd because it was the opposite when I was younger.
I WANT: a hobby that might help with that.
I WISH: I had more dreams and the money to make them come true.
I HATE: whinny people and slow talkers.
I MISS: my friends, family and driving near the ocean.
I HEAR: the sound of thunder all the time lately.
I WONDER: what tomorrow will bring.
I REGRET: not telling more people thank you.
I AM NOT: sure of anything anymore.
I DANCE: when Im making fun of myself.
I CRY: when Im frustrated – usually at myself.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: as nice as I should be.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: a mean cocktail.
I WRITE: because its so much easier than picking up the phone.
I CONFUSE: what I want and what I need.
I NEED: to make a plan and do it.
I SHOULD: be feeding my dogs right now.
I START: cleaning my room but never seem to finish.
I FINISH: -ed this tag email which is a small miracle in itself!
I TAG: Becca and Jo, mostly because I know you’ll do it.