Sunday, December 18, 2005

Missing Organ

Dear Gallbladder,

It has only been one and a half days that you have been gone and I have to say I don't miss you so much but apparently the other organs that were you neighbors do. There is a strange void and even stranger pressure rumbling around my insides. I understand it was your intention to give me many precious little stones for Christmas but Im afraid my doctor wished you be kicked to the curb instead. Im not sure why there was this misunderstanding - most girls would love this sort of gift but I was unaware of the pain is would cause. Im a little hurt that you would put me through such heartache at this time of year - was it really necessary for you to mess with my poor liver the way you did? You know Im hard enough on that little guy. And then there were all the other awful tests I had to endure ... why would you make them think I had a blood clot? And where the cat scans, x rays and ultrasounds your way of getting back at me? Im not even sure what is was that I did to you? They kept me in the hospital for 3 days damn it! There was no need for that... I wish you the best in whatever toxic dump you end up in... as for me I will continue to take these stupid narcotics they gave me to forget you, but lets be honest the scars will never let me forget you completely.

For those of you that are sick and twisted enough to want and see what they did to me (as all my friends would), here is a pic:

I was lucky enough to avoid the open procedure so the recovery shouldn't be so bad - thank goodness - this means I still get to hold on to my claim of never having stitches. The whole ordeal has been very strange. I woke up one night week before last with an awful pain in the center of my chest right under my ribs - I couldn't get a breath to save my life and the pain was unreal. I stood in my room for about an hour or so until I could relax enough to lay back down and go back to sleep. The next day I had these little spasms all day and felt a little sick to my stomach, I don't think I would have ever though anything of it if I hadn't had my first doctors appt the day after. My insurance had just started on the 1st of December and I just wanted to establish a regular doctor since I hadn't had one since we've moved here. The timing was quite unbelievable. The new Dr ordered a ultrasound a couple days later and when the tech started taking pictures you could see in her face that she couldn't believe I had not had an "episode" before ... I didn't have one, two or even seven... apparently I had stones that lines my whole gallbadder. I was told that I would likely need surgery but should wait for more tests to come back. Almost one week later (this last Wednesday) I woke up about the same time with the same pain only it lasted longer and I had to go to work. I went by the Dr office on my way home and she sent me over to the hospital for a chest xray and blood work since I couldn't seem to catch my breath. I left the hospital and came home and feel asleep. I guess I heard the phone ring a couple times and finally got up to see who it was - they had already had me checked in and a room waiting for me. The panicky messages were kinda funny now that it is over. I guess my tests came back really abnormal (isnt that weird for me? - NOT) and they showed I had a blood clot and my liver levels were all over the place. So I went back to the hospital where they were waiting for me with plenty of tests and no one to tell me what was going on. It took 5 sticks just to get my IV in ... bastards. I think those bruises are the worst.

Needless to say - its all over - my gallbladder is gone. I feel like Ive been hit by a truck and Im out of work through Christmas (which would normally be cool had I had anywhere to go!). They gave me some crazy drugs that make me pretty dumb but Im here so I guess its all good.

I wonder what I can do to myself next... esperiments esperiments....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good riddance to the gallbladder, I say! Useless organ--it's like Joseph was to the Virgin Mary! It's like Peg Bundy was to Al! It's like George Bush is to this planet! It's like your worst nightmare boyfriend, sucking all the life out of you, and still expecting to be a part of you! Your liver and other organs are cheering you as you recover, thanking you for liberating their neighborhood from the WMD of all organs: the evil gallbladder! Get well soon, V! And as you recover, remember how much you're loved!

10:16 AM  
Blogger VenturaMom from said...

Can't you just catch a cold or the flu at Christmas like everyone else? You always have to be like that, don't you. If you wanted Jello, you shoulda just asked.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Monkey loves Kitten said...

The good news is it made you write a really long post. Amens to the surgeries! (And narcotics. Natch.)

5:00 PM  
Blogger Rose-Colored Beer Goggles said...

Stupid gallbladder. I'm guessin' that scorned sub-organ has gone and taken yummy fat- & cholestrol-ridden food out of the equation too.

Un-comfort-food being sacreligious in your nekk of the woods, I predict this will inspire new eating essperiments that will put that kick-ass kitchen to its paces.

Stove on!

7:54 PM  
Blogger V said...

Get this - no diet change! does that not rock or what... and if Im lucky I wont have the acid reflux as bad as Ive had for years. So other than being very bored - all Im doing for the next so many days is lounging around in comfy jamies, fuzzy socks, having fires, eating what ever I want AND taking drugs. I say Merry Christmas to all!

11:07 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

in my best Napoleon Dynomite: "Luckee!"

7:08 PM  

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